"Studying the Holocaust changed the way I make decisions." - Student

Monday, December 14, 2009

AS #1 Loves Bob H.

Bob H., a member of our Speakers Bureau, spoke last week at AS #1. Approximately thirty 7th and 8th grade students heard his story of survival during the Holocaust. After the presentation, Bob sent us a delightful email:

This morning, I gave a presentation to the class at Northgate's AS#1...The kids were marvelous and I don't believe there is another class in the county with such diversity. It was cold in the class, thus the kids kept their hats on, it was like carnival... One had a big fur hat with ears sticking up, looked like a bear.

After the class I had to sign autographs for all kids. Never understood, what they do with those scraps of paper with my name.
During one of the previous history classes, they learned to do "timelines", and each student made one of my life. It starts with my birth and ends: "Comes to visit our class!". In a nutshell that is my life...They gave me the copies! One of the kids told me that he had decided to go to the US Naval Academy to become an officer.

Loved it.

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